Colin said, sipping his coffee. They had realised that their method of bombarding me was not getting them anywhere, so Colin had suggested a time-out. While Colin had gone to make coffee, Vinnie had explained the expression to me. I liked it. “Genevieve, why do you think your computer was hacked?” Francine asked. “I always log off any program or site before I switch off my computer. When I switched it on this morning, I was already logged into my email account. And two of the icons on my desktop had been moved.” “Have you told Phillip?” Colin asked. “No. I forgot about it when he and Manny came into my office. Then I lost myself in my work until you appeared. And I wasn’t a hundred percent sure.” “From the little you’ve told me, it is not conclusive that your computer was hacked,” Francine said. “But taken in the context of what has been happening, I’m convinced.”