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Read 2007 - A Tale Etched In Blood And Hard Black Pencel

2007 - A tale etched in blood and hard black pencel

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2007 - A Tale Etched In Blood And Hard Black Pencel - Plot & Excerpts

Just one double period to go and then home for tea, before the school disco tonight. Should be a laugh. Plus he’ll get to see all the lassies dressed up, though seeing is about as much as Robbie will have a chance of. Doesn’t matter. The lassies in his year are all fucking cows and snobs anyway. Not like the ones he’s heard Boma and Joe talking about. Sounds like the lassies in their years were less tight. Course, Boma and Joe could be talking shite. It wouldn’t be the first time.
It’s been a long week: the first week back since, you know. First week back after holidays is always slow. This week was like that but worse. After holidays, everybody’s trying to get their act together again, not just you. And making it more awkward is the awareness that every cunt must know. A long week, sure, but the two before it were a sight longer, were they not? Aye, and they could have been longer still, could have been shorter, in extreme ways he doesn’t like to think about.

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