Rick stood on the far side of the baggage claim area, just beyond the glass separating customs from the outside world. A tidal wave of humanity flowed ahead of him, eager to stretch its legs after the seventeen-plus hour flight. The passengers greeted their loved ones with enthusiastic hugs or swift handshakes. Beyond the cheerful chaos, Rick waited, the throng parting briefly to reveal him before swallowing him up again. Adjusting the grip on his bag, Eli shook his head. The man’s timing continued to suck on an epic scale. Rick McConnell was the last person he wanted to see. Not when Eli, agitated and impatient from the long flight, spoiled for a fight. He cut left, circling the crowd and heading for the exit. He’d take a taxi to his apartment. With five days until he needed to report, he planned to spend all but the last eight hours of it drinking. He’d earned it. The doublewide glass doors swung open at his approach and Rick stepped right into his path. Is it possible to be shocked and completely unsurprised at the same time?
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