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Read A Lament Of Moonlight

A Lament of Moonlight

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A Lament Of Moonlight - Plot & Excerpts

was, because for a moment they could not see anything no matter how they tried. It wasn’t until Melvin looked around the slightly forbidding figure of Samarra that he noticed she was staring ahead of them through another fog bank that created something like a large circle in the air. It was then Melvin realized they were at the tear Samarra spoke of earlier, and it was another fogbank like the one into the lime tree grove.
    Melvin noticed with heart pounding awe that it was day where they were to be traveling, and the oblong space before Samarra, into which she stared like a grand looking glass, was shimmering and shinning like a beacon in the gloomy night. He wondered how they had not seen it before.
    “The Eget Row is not on O?” Melvin asked a sudden thrill going through him that he couldn’t quite explain. He was anxious, though he wasn’t sure if for good or bad. He would be leaving behind him the world he knew in moments and entering another.

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