After a good ten days of running to Aunt Verdella’s to take care of Evalee, Freeda put her foot down and said Winnalee had to bring her over to our place. Winnalee was a wreck, and I had to assure her over and over again that I did know something about taking care of babies. For three days at least, Winnalee came up to my sewing room several times to get my opinion on something or other. Once even coming in to stick Evalee’s butt under my nose to ask if I thought her bottom looked a little red. And she might never have given Evalee a bath for fear of scalding or drowning her, had Freeda not come over to see how things were going and sniffed her. Winnalee acted all nonchalant as she told her she was giving her one before bed. Then, after supper, she insisted I go across the street to quietly lure Aunt Verdella over, while Freeda was at Dad’s doing whatever it was she did over there. “You do it this time and I’ll watch,” Winnalee told Aunt Verdella, once the tub was filled and everything was laid out.