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Read A Tempting Distraction (2010)

A Tempting Distraction (2010)

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1554877156 (ISBN13: 9781554877157)
Extasy Books

A Tempting Distraction (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

I knew going into this seventh book in the series that I already loved Owen. The glimpses I had of him in the previous book showed a brilliant, but naive, young man who desperately needs to belong and feel loved, no matter what. Owen has such a pure heart and considering the way he grew up and with his foster father's idea of love, it's a wonder that Owen has any sweetness or gentleness left inside.Meeting Garrett, a hawk shifter, when Owen first steps through the doors into the Coalition HQ sets off little sparks in Owen and he spends the next few months fantasizing over him. Garrett, on the other hand, doesn't do relationships and isn't looking for a mate, but he can't stop thinking about the young tiger shifter and feeling protective of him. When Garrett lets Owen know that they can definitely get together for sex, Owen is all for that as he doesn't need another person in his life telling him what to do. Unfortunately, for both of them, one night isn't going to be enough and the next thing you know Garrett is breaking his time-honored rule of only sleeping with someone once. Hmm.When Seth and Mitchell discover that Owen "borrowed" a computer, which is forbidden for him after hacking the coalition's system, they send him to his room while they discuss his punishment. None of them have any clue how big of a genius Owen is though, and they don't even know that he's just solved a problem that Mitchell's top scientists have been working on - why so many shifters are shifting earlier than they should. Owen leaves his research answers and the coalition figuring Seth, Andrew, and Shane don't need him making their lives difficult too.I adored Owen. He's so gentle and sweet and never feels like he belongs or is really wanted. Garrett grew on me, especially when he was willing to let Owen know his feelings. Once again, I really enjoyed this story and watching the interplay between Hawk and Tiger was wonderful. I'm so looking forward to the next story. A Tempting Distraction is the seventh book in Hecht’s Lost Shifter series. After reading the sixth book about Vapor and Andrew I knew I had to read books 1-5 and the next one coming out. Hecht has only gotten better with each installment, and I loved that this one was about Owen.Owen is a genius. He’s a hacker, a master spy, etc. He even hacked in to the Feline Coalition computer main frame. It was this stroke of brilliance that caused Owen to be “grounded” from all computers when Andrew, Shane and he left their foster father and moved in to headquarters. Without a computer he can only go so far, but he’s trying. Garrett on the other hand is a Hawk shifter, an experienced guard that can’t get that little punk tiger out of his mind. What he and no one else realizes is that Garrett is suffering, more than meets the eye because of the way he was raised and conditioned.Let’s also not forget that the Raven shifters are still hot on their trails and want retribution in a bad way… Oh and Andrew is in mated bliss… They took Shane away claiming he was ‘psycho’ or some such nonsense, and left Owen alone in a huge family all crowded together. One night changes everything when Owen is caught in a church and surrounded by Ravens. Thankfully Garrett happened to be “passing through” the neighborhood and managed to save him. The rescue brings out feelings, secrets, and scars, all of which might have been better left alone.I adore this series. The plot line isn’t too deep but each character is fully fleshed out. While I love the three boys, Shane is my favorite and I hope to hell that the next book is about him. We get to see Shane in action near the end of the book and it just makes me want more. Garrett is hot, but so aloof at first, his saving grace is that the reader can see his thoughts and we are well aware that he is not as immune to the tiger as he lets Owen believe. The two have such great chemistry, and the scene with the safety goggles? Wow. All in all a very steamy read that left me crossing my fingers that the next one is out sooner rather than later.Bitten by Books for AReCafe

What do You think about A Tempting Distraction (2010)?

Gimmee more, gimmee more, gimmee, gimmee, gotta-have-it Bay-Bee!!

I enjoyed Owen's story. It's a nice continuation of the series.

re-read, I really do enjoy reading this series

4.5 StarsI love this series!


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