They hadn’t done much if this was all they had to show for it. The first page was headed, Day 1, Thursday, and the date. Like he didn’t remember that day. Yesterday. The day they’d finally found him. Why’d it taken them so long to come looking for him? How had they known he was there? He’d been too far gone to ask about it at the time. He read the first sentence about a phone call from Peggy Winn. Then he read the rest of that paragraph. She’d turned around and left him! Damn that woman. Knew he was there and didn’t ski across the clearing to help him! Mac ratcheted his anger up five notches. Six. He took it out on Fairing. * * * Fairing walked in, made sure nobody was on the phone, raised her voice, and said, “I’m going to string you up as high as Mac’s leg.” Harper grinned. “Can I deduce that you thoroughly enjoyed delivering that report?” “Quit Sherlocking it.
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