What do You think about Act Of Mercy (2003)?
Really enjoyed this editon of Peter Treymayne's book. Sister Fidelma is all alone in this mystery, her friend and confidant is not with her. She takes a ship voyage to go to Spain and travel the Santiago Way. But all kinds of things happen on the ship. It begins when she discovers that her first serious relationship is on the ship. She then has to deal with religious personnel who don't act like they are in the cloistered life with all the sex and violence that goes on. Four people are all killed and Sister Fidelma has to discover the killer. She does of course, but it is not so obvious.
I really liked this book. We get a chance to delve into Sister Fidelma's past and really see what makes her tick. I also liked the setting aboard ship. Different. I think this book gives the reader the most in depth look at Sister Fidelma's character thus far. I love her even more! My only complaint. I guessed the culprit and her reasons from the get go. But, as I said, the broadening window onto Fidelma's character overrode any other deficiencies. Oh, I do have one other complaint, not just with this book, though it's most obvious here. Why do some mystery writers with recurring characters fudge the ages so blatantly? (Anne Perry is also guilty of this infraction). It's especially annoying in this series because we are given Sister Fidelma's birth year in the foreword (636). So, if it is now the autumn of 666, she would be 30 or approaching 30. A matter of simple mathematics. But the author continues to make statements that insinuate she is barely 28. Impossible! I finally changed the lines "ten years ago" (which were repeated multiple times in regards to her relationship with Cian) to "twelve years ago" in my head. Very annoying!
—Laura Edwards