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Read Adrian's Undead Diary (Book 6): In The Arms Of Family

Adrian's Undead Diary (Book 6): In the Arms of Family

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Adrian's Undead Diary (Book 6): In The Arms Of Family - Plot & Excerpts

I’m not entirely sure it’s a final arrangement, but it’ll do for now. We’ve elected to keep Hall C empty for the meantime. It’s the most meh of the dorms, and ideally we want to keep people clustered in easy to manage groups so we can minimize fuel consumption for generators. As it is, Hall D is now occupied, but we have no generator spare for it, so they’re in the dark. I’ll lay out who is where now.  Hall A: Alex and George in the upstairs Hall A apartment Hector Gutierrez, James Halwitz, Rita Newman (15), Adam McDonald (14), Allison Stein (12). Angela and Danny jr, Amanda, Alan, and Tabitha.
I love the mix in this dorm. We’ve got plenty of experience, lots of ass kickery, and people I trust. Amanda and Angela will make sure the new people toe the line, as well as make sure everyone is eating and drinking appropriately.
Hall B: Jeannette and her little boy Jeffrey, Ollie and Melissa, Martin, Julie, and Chester.
The dream team, if you will.
Hall C: Empty for the moment.

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