Miles, the show’s production assistant stationed at the hotel, had jovially proclaimed last night. His words rang in Shannen’s head as she stood beside the lagoon-like pool, watching the Victorious losers swimming and sunning themselves and consuming tray after tray of brilliant-colored exotic drinks. During her four years at West Falls University, she had never experienced the fun-in-the-sun revelry of spring break. There hadn’t been enough money. Time off from class meant extra time to work for pay. So shouldn’t she join the others and indulge herself in this belated, all-expenses-paid spring break? Instead Shannen sank listlessly onto a cushioned lounge chair. She was bored. Bored! What was the matter with her? Who could be bored in a free tropical paradise? She could. She was. All she could think about was Ty. Instead of enjoying the indoor-outdoor pool with its water slide and tunnel maze, she was sitting here daydreaming about him. She pictured his dark eyes, alternately cool and intense, depending on his mood.