He was not surprised by Zach’s sudden appearance. “You knew,” Jen accused. Murray shrugged. “He phoned. He came in when you were off. He wanted to check what songs we had.” ‘You never told me.” “I wasn’t supposed to. Come on, Jen, who am I to argue with this?” Murray shook his head in admiration, then Lucy demanded her four marguerites from the far side of the bar. “Here I thought Elvis was in a donut shop in Kalamazoo,” Jen said, unable to keep herself from turning to watch. “Lucky for us,” Kathy said. Zach was gyrating low and the women were going wild. He was eating it up, obviously in his element. One of the women from eighteen was jitterbugging with him as the others bounced in excitement. “I thought this wasn’t that kind of a bar,” Lucy said, though there was little censure in her tone.