The bench wagon arrived last night, and volunteers brought in the benches and set them up. Then today, as morning dawned, their neighbors arrived. The women sat on one side, in the kitchen area, and the men gathered in the living room. The service began with song. Marianna joined the others in singing the words from the Ausbund, their special hymnal. “Mer mis-se gla-we an sell was un-ser Harr un Un-ser. Hei-land Je-sus Cri-sti uns g’saagt hot.” And as she sang, the words translated in her mind. “We must believe in that which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has told us.” Next came the ‘S Lobg’sang, “The Hymn of Praise.” O Gott Va-ter wir lo-ben dich Ynd dei - - ne . . . O, God, Father, we praise Thee, And extol Thy many blessings; That Thou hast, O Lord, proved Thyself again so merciful to us; And hast brought us together, Lord, To exhort us though Thy word; Grant us Thy mercy.