It will be wunderbaar gut to hear from my brothers and sisters. With the summer haying underway, we don’t have much time for visiting much anymore. I’ll be looking forward to Leah’s church service in October when we all come together for worship and fellowship. Elijah has recovered from his spring cold. Took him longer than we thought to get better. Thankfully, neighbors helped with the plowing and planting while he was recuperating. The kinner are doing well. Lydia is taking her instructional and will be baptized this fall. We suspect our first wedding will follow shortly thereafter. But she hasn’t said much more than asking about how much celery we planted last spring. The boys’ campout is being held at Menno Yoder’s this Thursday and Friday. Elam and Nathan are excited to attend. It’s the first campout for both since Nathan missed it last year due to his broken arm. I heard the boys are planning a softball game. I heard Menno is cutting hay early just so that the boys can have a good field to play in.