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Read The Shadow Dancers (1992)

The Shadow Dancers (1992)

Online Book

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0812520734 (ISBN13: 9780812520736)
tor books

The Shadow Dancers (1992) - Plot & Excerpts

It was the ultimate case: to stop the ultimate drug...
I'm Horowitz. Brandy Horowitz. My husband Sam and I are private eyes who take cases for G.O.D., Inc. - the outfit that runs the Labyrinth to infinite alternate earths filled with crime, danger...and murder.
Power-mad fanatics are running a narcotic V.D. that spreads like a bug, works like a drug, and one touch hooks you for good. You don't become a become a zombie. 'Cause this monkey's not just on your back, but in your brain - it's got a mind, and if you kick it, it kicks back with madness and death.
So this beautiful black PI and wonderful Jewish sleuth have to smash the source before the drug-bug reaches our client's Home World. But the opposition's got fake Sams and Brandys set up in headquarters on the two worlds that hold any possible leads: one that never heard of civil rights...
And one ruled by Nazis.

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