Olivia kept strange hours, but when she was around, Jane found her unfailingly pleasant and helpful around the apartment. Only a couple of days had passed since the commencement of their new living arrangement, but Jane was grateful for the good start. This evening, Jane was preparing dinner for Olivia, Fredrick, and herself. Olivia was still out working, but Fredrick had insisted ever since passing her on the landing that he be invited to dinner to formally meet the new arrival. Jane could hardly object when the whole arrangement had been his idea in the first place. It was 5 until 7 and Jane had just set potatoes to boil when she heard Fredrick at the door. He let himself in with his spare key and strolled into the kitchen, a look of anticipation in his eye. “Don’t get too excited, she won’t be back for another hour or so,” said Jane. His expression fell. “But let’s pretend,” she said, “that we’re friends, and you just stopped by to visit.” He smiled. “Need a hand?”