Another Smith student - can't remember if she stayed to graduate. I've never heard of Ms. Roiphe before (and see that she has written 18 books). This short book is pretty thrilling if you are interested in the literary world in the 1950's '60s. Ms. Roiphe writes a powerful story of a single woman with child intoxicated with famous authors and navigating New York CIty and meeting many of them. Another short book that packs a lot in. Well I am glad that women have more options than during the 1950s and 60s. Roiphe was in awe of writers and secretly wanted to be a writer. She saw her role as being the help maiden to the great male writers of her era. Thru all the booze and sleeping around she depicts a life that sounds increasingly depressing and sordid in its limitations. Eventually she decides not to live thru someone else's art but instead to write her own stories.
Being a muse sounds like a total drag! When does she drop these zeroes and become a writer already?
After reading this I really want to visit New York in the late 50's and early 60's.
Interesting material, confusing structure, dull style.
Guaranteed to make your blood boil!