Griffith Of Brothers Implement Implement seed And vehicle business Pulls into hometown Of Van Meter In his brand new Model A Two cylinder engine Ten speed transmission With full elliptical leaf springs At the rear Mechanical brakes A flash of light In the darkness Coming from the roof Mather and Gregg’s Building A light Like a search beam Where there has never Been one before Gets out of the vehicle Adjusts his sack coat Waist coat and trousers Walks over Where there has never Been one before What is that light?
A burglar?
Looks up At the brick building Cautiously Walks closer Nose twitches Foul sulfur odor A flash of light Something strange Unexpected The light Floats across the street Relieved That it’s not a burglar But what is that?
Floats To another rooftop Opposite side of the street What is that?
And how?
How in the name of God?
The light dims Gone To open their eyes And to turn them From the darkness To the light The town awakes To hear him Talk about The unusual sights A flash of light In the darkness Townspeople confused An established figure Community of Van Meter Respected Has a new venture With his brother David Very active Sits on the Village Council Member of two local clubs Maybe he saw the moon Had he been drinking?