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Read Attack Of The Amazons

Attack of the Amazons

Online Book

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Moody Publishers

Attack Of The Amazons - Plot & Excerpts

Their weapons had been stripped from them immediately, and if they lagged they were prodded forward at sword point.
Josh tried to speak to Princess Merle. He suggested that there was some ingratitude involved here— after all, they had saved her life! “You don’t have to take us prisoners like this,” he protested.
Princess Merle strode along in front of the captives. She had been given a sword, which she now wore belted around her trim waist. The glance she gave him was cool and calculating. She did not even answer him but said, “Sarah, you and Abbey come up here. Let the men go last.”
Abbey shot a quick glance at Sarah as the two were hurried forward. “What does it all mean?” she whispered.
“I think it’s a male-female thing,” Sarah whispered. She had quickly grasped that the women warriors had little respect for the guys, although they did look with speculation at the tall forms of Reb, Josh, and Dave. Since poor Jake and Wash were smaller, they were treated rather roughly, being struck by the flat of the sword several times.

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