I'm glad this exists if nothing else. Honestly I think it got a little too insane for me to properly like but I like that there is this brother/brother team making a comic of the epic battles you'd make up in your head when you were five. Imaginative is the word here but I think my favourite parts were the Ask Axe Cop sections. Probably because they were short and sweet. Art wise I don't think anyone could have done a fire breathing T-rex with machine guns for arms any better. I read some of Axe Cop as a webcomic and I wasn't sure the gimmick (a profesh artist illustrates ideas produced by his 5 year-old brother) would stand up in a collected volume, but it honestly got funnier and funnier as I kept reading. I literally laughed so hard I cried over this, in public.I loved the commentary from Evan along the way, and I think this would honestly appeal to all ages.
5 stars for the Ask Axe Cop section. 3 stars for everything else.
So stupid, but I can't front- it's written by a five-year-old.
Awesome. Best line = "Happy DIE day, Dr. Doo Doo!"