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Read Bad Island (2011)

Bad Island (2011)

Online Book

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0545314798 (ISBN13: 9780545314794)

Bad Island (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

I thought that this book was AWESOME! I thought that the characters were well developed, and the plot was too. I liked what the author did with going between two worlds to make sense of what was going on, and clue you into what was happening. The main character, Reese, was one of those teenagers that didn't want to hangout with his family, even though his dad always tried to find ways to get the family close together. Finally Reese's dad decided that they should go on a family boating trip. But it didn't go as planned, instead they crashed after a big storm onto an island that was everything but the kind that you want to vacation on. At first the island seemed normal but after finding strange footprints and monsters that wanted to kill them they decided that it was not a very safe place to be. Usually I don't read graphic novels but when I do they are usually by Doug TenNapel, and very good. This book is a graphic novel but also has science fiction added to it. I would recommend this book to anyone that likes most graphic novels and science fiction. This book was pretty good. The plot was pretty interesting and it flowed really well except at some parts the story switched to a different world to show what was going on in that world but it was hard to tell when the book was doing that. The story was about this family who goes on a boating trip but then gets stranded on a island. but little do they know is that the island is taken over my a bunch of weird and robotic creatures. As soon has the main character, Reese, figures this out, the family tries desperately to get off the island. But also they didn't know that there was and entity that was lurking around. The book was a bit confusing with the robot part in there but it was still pretty good.The characters were pretty well developed. Reese was a teenage boy who felt like he needed to run away so he could go off with his friends, instead of going on family trips all the time and spending quality time together. But during the book he realizes that he needs to stick with family and they need to work together. Reese's sister is a curious girl and she drives Reese crazy and his dad just wants Reese to bond with him and actually think that he's cool. His mom wants that too but she backs off on Reese because his dad is always wanting to spend time with him. I would recommend the book to someone who wants a short read but also likes adventure. There is also a little bit of science fiction in it because of the robots and the other world from where the robots come from.

What do You think about Bad Island (2011)?

Were this not told in adorable middle-grade comic panels, this story would be pretty terrifying.

This book is one one the best comic books i have ever read.

Love the creatures in this book.

Pickles is the best.

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