A soft, warm touch prodded my shoulder, and I opened my eyes to find my face was pressed up against the van window, daylight burning through my tired eyes. It took a minute for me to adjust, and then I saw the familiar white beach house with a pink trim. “Trent,” I said, feeling his presence inside. I didn’t know how I knew, but I did, like the heat of him was radiating from the front corner of the house where his room was. Nick was sitting next to me where Sierra had been. “Bailey, I wanted to bring you to Trent because I know you both really want to see each other, but I have to warn you. Lola might be home, and if she is…well, I’m going to have to take you back to your apartment—” “She isn’t home,” Brandon interjected from the front seat. They must have switched places while I was sleeping. “Where’s Sierra?” I asked, undoing my seatbelt with nervous excitement. “We dropped her off at your apartment. We brought Martin with us since he’s already aware of things…but not Sierra.”