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Read Bared To Him

Bared to Him

Online Book

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Bared To Him - Plot & Excerpts

She trembled as she spied her father’s partner, sexy as sin, Gray Wagner, standing completely naked on the deck right in front of her. He studied her carefully as he held the base of his thick, swollen erection. With his other hand, he leisurely stroked the massive length.
“You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.
Disbelief rocked her. For years, he’d been teasing her and keeping her at arm’s length and now suddenly he wanted her. It was a dream come true.
He stalked toward her, his stride confident and determined.
“I want to make love to you, right here and now,” he said.
His mid-length dark brown hair ruffled beneath the Alaskan ocean wind.
His body heat wrapped around her, making her want to snuggle into him. Her breath caught as he dipped his head and his lips gently caressed the corner of her quivering mouth.
Gosh, he smelled so good. The combination of fresh soap, a tinge of sea salt, and his primal male scent reminded her of a storm with her helplessly caught right in the middle.

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