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Jan Springer books

Jan Springer
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Read Books by Jan Springer


Jude Outlaw (2004)

I did like that it was a quick read. Sometimes I just want something that I can get lost in quickly that won't take me several sittings to read. This delivered. The story was definitely far-fetched. I could see something like this happening in the way distant future. But when I pick up a book, I'...

Jude Outlaw (2004) by Jan Springer

Outlaw Lovers: Jude and Luke (2005)

Outlaw Lovers - Jude OutlawBy Jan Springer A fast-acting virus has been unleashed, killing a vast majority of the world's female population and forcing the creation of a new law...The Claiming Law. With the stroke of a pen, males now have all the rights and females are property...sexual property ...

Outlaw Lovers: Jude and Luke (2005) by Jan Springer

Peppermint Creek Inn (2006)

Crippled by survivor's guilt, Sara lives deep in the Canadian wilderness. Her only companion, a mysterious stalker. Until one stormy night...when a desperate and injured fugitive forces his way into her home and straight into her wounded heart. Is he the man of her dreams? Or her worst nightmare?.

Peppermint Creek Inn (2006) by Jan Springer

Cowboys In Her Pocket

This is one hell of a storm! Dan thought as amidst the downpour, he sawed into the third tree that had fallen over the trail that would lead him back to the ranch and to JJ. Sure, it wasn’t unusual to come across fallen trees on this particular trail. That’s why he carried the chainsaw, but this ...

Cowboys In Her Pocket by Jan Springer

Cowboys for Christmas

This is one hell of a storm! Dan thought as amidst the downpour, he sawed into the third tree that had fallen over the trail that would lead him back to the ranch and to JJ. Sure, it wasn’t unusual to come across fallen trees on this particular trail. That’s why he carried the chainsaw, but this ...

Cowboys for Christmas by Jan Springer

Pleasure Bound - Complete

Tony said as he watched Jenna where she sat in a far corner booth while Sully, at Tony’s request, mixed a banana daiquiri for the cute little redhead sitting alone at the end of the bar. Thankfully, Tony wasn’t drinking himself. Last week when he’d gotten Tony out of jail, he’d made his friend pr...

Pleasure Bound - Complete by Jan Springer

Pleasure for Him

Jan Springer   Excerpt   Chapter One       Earth Year 2304, Biosphere A1Z9   Dread flooded Anica Maine as she uploaded her day’s Netmail from her personal compudeck and noticed the final letter of warning from the Order of Authority. She swore softly beneath her breath closed her eyes and tried h...

Pleasure for Him by Jan Springer

The Fire Within

Black   Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. The ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share your ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book a...

The Fire Within by Jan Springer

Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection

He’d tasted wonderful. Hot and sticky. Salty and sweet. A wonderful combination she knew she wanted to experience again. The scent of sex hung heavy in the air as a moment later Luke rolled off her and helped her to get off Mac, whose large, hard cock had impaled her ass beautifully. She knew wha...

Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection by Jan Springer

Jaxie's Menage

Music from the front of the club had done a good job in covering up what had just happened in Jaxie’s office and thankfully, no one was in the hallway, or he’d have some serious explaining to do. Right now, he wasn’t in the mood for talk. Shock snapped along his nerves as he quickly left the club...

Jaxie's Menage by Jan Springer


You got the three-hearted key,” Sophie gasped about half an hour later as Claire held up the key she’d picked from the tall black hat. Because Claire had been the last girl on the list, she’d been told to go last. The rules were simple. The women kept selecting keys from the deep dark hat until t...

Menage by Jan Springer

Jewel's Menage

Things really had changed from the last time she’d been here at the Club. The newly renovated dining area was larger and roomier. And already crowded with so many people. She stepped away from the doorway to allow a jovial crowd behind her to enter the Club, and then she gazed around the room. Sh...

Jewel's Menage by Jan Springer

Marley's Menage

Through the layers of drugged sleep, she smelled the scent of rich chocolate. The delicious aroma created happiness as a long ago memory popped into her mind. Winter weekend mornings and miniature marshmallows bobbing in foamy hot chocolate. Rick and Kacey curled up on their one-bedroom apartment...

Marley's Menage by Jan Springer

Let's Get Physical

he asked in a low voice so only she could hear as they walked down the hallway. She nodded numbly. She knew what he meant. Fully prepared as in butt plug and birth control. “Good. We doctors will give you an intimate exam you won’t be forgetting any time soon.” Roxie’s breath hitched at his comme...

Let's Get Physical by Jan Springer

Wet Heat

I can feel her pain sinking deep into my flesh and it hurts so badly, Paul replied and winced at the raw ache sifting through his body. This was the first time he had felt a physical pain from her during his waking hours. The physical link must be connecting as we knew it would after we were with...

Wet Heat by Jan Springer

Toygasm (2013)

Then she slipped into her robe, inhaled a deep breath and entered the adjoining bathroom. It was crowded in here with the equipment and props. But the lighting seemed perfect. Vanilla scented the room and soft sunlight splashed through the lone window onto the tub filled with kaleidoscope-colored...

Toygasm (2013) by Jan Springer

Bared to Him

She trembled as she spied her father’s partner, sexy as sin, Gray Wagner, standing completely naked on the deck right in front of her. He studied her carefully as he held the base of his thick, swollen erection. With his other hand, he leisurely stroked the massive length. “You’re the most gorgeo...

Bared to Him by Jan Springer

Springer, Jan - In Her Bed [The Desperadoes 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Knew she didn’t want to relive it, but as always, she was powerless to stop it. Helpless to stop the sadness that enveloped her at losing all of her patients. She struggled to push away the dark emotions. Tried to wake herself up, but she couldn’t. Everything played out like a puzzle. Pieces here...

Springer, Jan - In Her Bed [The Desperadoes 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Jan Springer

Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Her breasts felt ravenously used. Orally used, actually, and her pussy throbbed with a pleasant soreness. She’d fallen asleep wrapped in a stranger’s arms feeling all safe and satisfied. But while she slept, he’d slipped out of bed and extinguished all but one of her oil lamps and tossed some mor...

Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Jan Springer


Her throbbing headache and the nausea clutching at her belly went away and, as she resettled the gauze over the tender-looking bullet slash on Will’s right temple, she said another prayer of thanks. One of many prayers tonight as she’d patched up the two men. The wounds on Will weren’t too bad. T...

Resistance by Jan Springer

Sophie's Menage

No, they were over. She was wishful thinking again. Steve and Eric would never bid on her at the auction. If she’d been with them, they would have forbade her even entering one. She’d belonged to them exclusively, and she’d loved their territorial jealousy.Besides, Jaxie had assured Claire and Ma...

Sophie's Menage by Jan Springer

Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Dressed only in a pair of heavy-duty work boots and a thick wool blanket that reached her ankles, she carefully stepped along the rock-riddled pathway that descended into StanleyGlacierValley. Casting quick glances behind her, she surveyed a rock plateau strewn with straggly, twisted pine trees w...

Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Jan Springer

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