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Read Barefoot At Moonrise (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 2)

Barefoot at Moonrise (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 2)

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South Street Publishing

Barefoot At Moonrise (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

That was sarcasm, right? Because right then, trembling and turned on, Beth didn’t think she’d ever wanted anything as much as she wanted Ken Cavanaugh.
    She’d never seen him like that, she thought, closing her eyes to remember the bit of…desperation etched on his face and evident in his touch. Like he didn’t want to go another minute without sex.
    Which was exactly the way she felt.
    But was feeling that enough to justify it? This was no commitment-free hookup at a high school reunion. Everything was different now. She was carrying his child. They were connected in a way that terrified her, that felt permanent but still so risky.
    If you want me.
    Her nipples burned. Her lower half melted. And her hands ached to touch every muscle on his body. Every one. That probably counted as “wanting” him.
    Still, she stayed glued to the chair, her eyes on the water and the rising sun that turned the sky gold.

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