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Read Barefoot At Sunset (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 1)

Barefoot at Sunset (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 1)

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South Street Publishing

Barefoot At Sunset (Barefoot Bay Timeless Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

The woman behind the reception desk at Eucalyptus gave Emma a friendly smile.
    “I’m just checking out the facilities,” she said, taking in the giant cut-glass mirror that covered one wall and the simple furnishings on gleaming wood floors. The reception area was bright, welcoming, and smelled faintly of the very plant it was named for.
    A glass dispenser seeped a tendril of silvery air and another aroma, drawing Emma closer for a whiff.
    “Bergamot and frankincense,” the woman said with a smile. “One for your heart and one for your head.”
    Emma gave her a quizzical look. “How’s that?”
    “Bergamot helps circulation, and frankincense cleans out the synapses in your brain.”
    She sniffed again. “Definitely could use some of that.”
    “It’s part of our aromatherapy treatment. Would you like a brochure of our services?”

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