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Read Barefoot In Lace (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 2)

Barefoot in Lace (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 2)

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South Street Publishing

Barefoot In Lace (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

“You were married.” She barely breathed the words. “With a son?”Taking a deep inhale, he held it in his lungs for a long time before letting it out in a long, tattered puff of sorrow.“My wife, Sophia, had been six months pregnant when she hemorrhaged. Both she and our son died before she could get medical help.” He slipped his hand out of her grasp, pushing his chair back from the table slightly. “So, no, I haven’t always been alone.”A rush of blood and sympathy and, whoa, understanding rolled through her. No wonder…no damn wonder he wanted to be alone.“Tom, I’m so sorry.” Lame, hollow words. “Can you talk about it?”“No,” he said with a mirthless laugh. “But I guess I’m about to.”“Why have you never mentioned it?”“Because it’s easier to pretend it never happened.”Who would want to do that? Why? “Why has Alex never mentioned it?” Surely she knew her uncle had been married and had a baby on the way and then…oh, God, it was sad.“Alex doesn’t know.”“Did Ruthie?”He nodded slowly.

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