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Read Barefoot With A Stranger (Barefoot Bay Undercover Book 2)

Barefoot With a Stranger (Barefoot Bay Undercover Book 2)

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South Street Publishing

Barefoot With A Stranger (Barefoot Bay Undercover Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

Images of Drummand and Chessie darkened his mind. A flash of a gravestone made things worse. His arm burned and his head throbbed with each crevice and rut the van clunked over.
And then he could smell Gitmo. At least, he recognized the scent of oily chicken and burned pizza, telling him they were on the two-mile avenue lined with fast-food joints that led to the main entrance.
He could remember the road clearly. They were probably passing the Navy Lodge Hotel with that pit of a bar called Windjammer. Or Cockjammer. Gabe used to call it that because of the distinct lack of women inside. Then the Navy Exchange. Walmart for sailors.
It was like Little America in the heart of Cuba, flanked by guard towers manned by some of the best snipers in the business. Not American snipers—Castro’s snipers, making sure none of the locals made it over the “border” and got into Gitmo safely.
The van slowed, he figured because they approached the main shack, an aluminum deal that used to be armed with rotating National Guardsmen armed with M16s and a few nine-millimeter pistols.

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