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Read Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

Online Book

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Hachette Littlehampton

Be Careful What You Wish For - Plot & Excerpts

I don’t, really, I was too young, but I remember Ed, my brother, playing their seven-inch single. He would crank up his old record-player and trampoline up and down on his bed singing along at the top of his voice to his favourite song.
‘I Don’t Like Mondays.’ Over and over again.
Until the divan springs broke. He spent the rest of his teenage years sleeping on a mattress on the floor. To this day he holds Bob Geldof responsible for his bad back. Suffice to say he never played the record again.
But the song’s stuck with me ever since and I must say, now I’m older, I have to agree with Sir Bob on that one: I don’t like Mondays much either. But this Monday morning is different. This Monday I’m in an extraordinarily good mood and the reason I’ve got a great big smile on my face is because . . .
‘You’ve been shagging.’ As I push open the frosted-glass door that leads into the small office upstairs I’m accosted by a familiar East End accent.
‘What?’ I scoop up the pile of mail from the mat.

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