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Read Tú No Vas A Ser Mi Amor (2012)

Tú no vas a ser mi amor (2012)

Online Book

3.49 of 5 Votes: 5
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Tú No Vas A Ser Mi Amor (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

It's funny! :-) I liked the story, but the author's way of writing kind of ruined it for me. Just my opinion.

What do You think about Tú No Vas A Ser Mi Amor (2012)?

there were some quotable quotes but over all, it was 'okay'. not great but okay.

Although this kind of novels not my type but I'm in love with this one

It was okay. There were parts where I got bored. but it was okay.

3.5 star actually. Light reading and it is funny ^^

Hillarious and sweet

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