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Read Bear The Flame (Firebear Brides 2)

Bear The Flame (Firebear Brides 2)

Online Book

4.05 of 5 Votes: 3
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Anya Nowlan

Bear The Flame (Firebear Brides 2) - Plot & Excerpts

Rose’s family had moved around a lot when she was younger, the side-effects of being an Army brat, and the homes she’d later had were never more than temporary either. She didn’t pretend like she was going to stay in Idaho forever, but there was something about the majesty of the old house, the vibe in it, and of course Redmond that made it feel… right. It wasn’t hard to see why the Hamilton brothers were so keen on keeping it in the family. She was out in the backyard, doing her morning stretches and sun greeting, when Redmond walked up behind her and grabbed her ass with both hands while she was in the downward-dog position.“Hey!” she yelped, tumbling over and Redmond following her down quickly. “Unfair! You got to give a girl a moment of warning!” she laughed as he caught her in his strong arms and pulled her into his lap.“I don’t think so. Hell, maybe you would have run away!” he growled into her ear, his voice low and promising that he’d enjoy a chase. Rose giggled, batting him away slightly, but only enough to twist around in his lap to face him.

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