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Read BEARedtoYouBBWShifterEroticRomanceARe


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BEARedtoYouBBWShifterEroticRomanceARe - Plot & Excerpts

Zant said from Torborg’s open doorway. “As we suspected, they’ve headed into Canada. We found it behind a motel in Bear Creek.” The man hesitated for a moment, like he’d wanted to say more. But he remained silent.“Good. Time’s running out for Evert and the woman. We need to get them in before it’s too late. I want you to go down there. Talk to him. If anyone can convince him that I mean them no harm, it’s you.”“Yes, sir. I’ll leave immediately. By the time I hit the border, my men should have them in custody. Should I tell them to transport Tarik and the woman to the hospital in White Moose?”“No. They’re going to need very specialized care. We’re better off if we can get them back here. As quickly as possible. Dispatch the helo. I’m coming too. I want to be down there before they’re taken into custody. We have one shot at this. No one can afford for something to go wrong. We’re cutting it too close time-wise.”“Very well, sir,” Zant said, jerking  a nod.“Go.

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