He had come over to see Oscar and Amy – in that order – and had enthused over one of them. He had taken the news that Amy had resigned from her job and was moving into Snape House badly, even though Amy felt he should be bloody glad that she was going to sort things out. It was all very well him coming up with all these ideas for the business, all these plans of his, but why the hell hadn’t he done so before? Had he been so in awe of Dad that he hadn’t dared speak his mind? Ideas had to be implemented and action had to be taken and if there was one thing she was good at, it was making decisions and taking action. This business was in serious need of a good shake-up. It had been one of those exceptional spring days, warmer than average, and although it was tempting to set the outdoor table and eat their meal there they had decided against it and were eating in the kitchen instead. Christine had cooked salmon with new potatoes and a home-made sauce with some French beans and Mike was demolishing his as if he hadn’t eaten in ages.