I picked up this book because I thought the title was funny and so it sparked my interest. It's a quick read. It focuses on self-observation and keeping ourselves engaged in life. The exercises are similar to those in varying mediation books which makes sense because mediation focuses on self-reflection (observation), changing a mind set and reinvigorating the soul(brain). It touches on how we control outcomes by how we react to situations and the importance of communicating and expressing feelings.Take away: Focus on the big picture. Goal is to move away from behaviors that are not working by rewriting the narrative we tell/write for ourselves. Take the time to check in with yourself. An optimistic attitude does not reject a realistic one and is always better than a pessimistic view. I loved this book. How much of that is because of the no-nonsense, un-sappy, Britishly understated way of talking about things like self-awareness and personal narrative? And how much of it is because I couldn’t read it without hearing in my head how this adorable Brit with her Harry Potter glasses would sound if she were saying it all to me aloud? I don’t know, but it was delightful and helpful and I recommend it to everyone.
Not bad. Good general concepts and ideas to try to stay more focused, positive and self-aware.
Meh. Great advice but not anything truly demonstrative or new.
Another book I wish I'd had at 16 years old, or 18.
A happy little book. Keep in pocket to consult!
such an insightful and wonderful read.