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Read Black 01 - Black Rain

Black 01 - Black Rain

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Black 01 - Black Rain - Plot & Excerpts

“You don’t need to tell me whose ass I need to kiss. Right now I’m trying to stay alive. I’m just wondering what’s in it for him. There has to be a catch. Something just doesn’t feel right about Mayor Peterson being involved. How’d you guys get to be so chummy? That’s all I want to know.”
“Chase, what the hell you trying to say? You know what, that don’t even matter at this point. You just worry about staying alive and we’ll worry about the rest after we get Cattanno behind bars in a federal prison. We need to find out who Cattanno reports to. I just don’t feel he’s the brains behind this case. He’s smart, but it would take somebody higher up the food chain to pull this many strings. Do we have that information yet?”
“Not at this point. He’s never mentioned anyone he reports to and no one has come to the house. I would know that.”
“Have you had a chance to look at his accounts or books of any financial transactions?”
    Vincent Alexandria 133 Chase sighs.

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