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Read Black Rain (2007)

Black Rain (2007)

Online Book

3.81 of 5 Votes: 4
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0373830432 (ISBN13: 9780373830435)
kimani press

Black Rain (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Vincent Alexandria, author of Black Rain, describes his novel in three words - passion, murder and deceit. He made an accurate description because Black Rain is filled with all three, respectfully. Now, I have never been the one to pick up a novel about the world of police work, but this one may make me thing twice about it next time. Alexandria made police work, corruption, and sting operations interesting. With his vivid characters and precise description of each scene it allowed me to really get into the action. From chapter to chapter you learn more about each character and how they play a significant role in the storyline. The lies and deceit kept me reading even when some scenes got a little wordy. The anxiety to know what was going to happen next made me remain engaged in the story. The obstacles and moral dilemma were definitely realistic and believable allowing for a good read. Joe, the main character, had internal struggles with what he knew he had to do and what he knew was the right thing to do. Staying true to himself and the ones he loved allowed the storyline to progress smoothly. This made Black Rain a relatable novel. Even though I am not a police officer or know anyone personally who is, Alexandria made it easy for me to understand the life of an officer. Underneath the story of corruption there is a story of loyalty and love. Perfect for us hopeless romantics who love a great ending. T. Nicole Robinson AAMBC Book Reviewer

Detective Joe Johnson is a man with a heart of gold. The author puts you into the life of Detective Joe that lives in Kansas City. He is a married man that loves his wife Sierra and kids. But when he gets that phone call from his use to be partner Chase asking for "Help!". He sacrifices everything to save Chase that he feel he is in debt to for saving his on different occassions. Before Detective Johnson decides to go on this mission he is told that cops are beening killed "Burned to death!" But this didn't stop him from taking on the Black Rain and taking them down... I enjoyed the book from beginning to end. My favorite character is Chase she is a bad B**CH! Especially at the end. Detective Joe and his partner Vernon will have you laughing all through the book.

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