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Read Blown To Pieces (PTO Murder Club Mystery Book 2)

Blown To Pieces (PTO Murder Club Mystery Book 2)

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Blown To Pieces (PTO Murder Club Mystery Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

Haley was meeting me there, while Monica had to work late. Anise, Haley’s nanny, had picked up the kids and taken them to Lakeside Park.
I grabbed the parking place closest to the door. As you can imagine, the lot and the restaurant were empty. I walked over to the huge, brown, plastic rock that sat in the middle of the weed-choked flower bed and pulled out the spare key.
We don’t have brown rocks in Central Texas.
Fake rocks practically scream spare key. You’re not fooling anyone. You’d do better to hang the spare key on a hook next to the front door. That way would-be thieves would pause, wondering if you’re stupid enough to leave the key next to the door instead of knowing that you’re stupid because you hid it in a plastic rock.
I unlocked the door, felt around for the light switch, flicked it, and walked into a knickknack collector’s heaven. Every available surface—including the tables where customers sat to eat—was covered with junk. There were collections of harmonicas, baseball cards, examples of barbed wire, an entire glass-fronted case holding nothing but straight razors, and another cabinet full of empty mason jars.

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