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Katie Graykowski books

Katie Graykowski
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Read Books by Katie Graykowski


Place Your Betts (2013)

I have to say I read this book after I read this book after I read the second in the series. I didn't realize it was one of two books. I love this author. She makes you laugh hysterically throughout the book! Well, I did anyway to the point where my husband had to ask me what I was laughing a...

Place Your Betts (2013) by Katie Graykowski

Rest in Pieces

As I turned into my private drive, my headlights reflected off a black boxy car parked in my parking space. I pulled up beside it. The car looked kinda like a fancy Hyundai. I didn’t know anyone who drove a black Hyundai except my arch enemy satan, a.k.a. Salina Atan, and I was pretty sure she wa...

Rest in Pieces by Katie Graykowski

Blown To Pieces (PTO Murder Club Mystery Book 2)

Haley was meeting me there, while Monica had to work late. Anise, Haley’s nanny, had picked up the kids and taken them to Lakeside Park. I grabbed the parking place closest to the door. As you can imagine, the lot and the restaurant were empty. I walked over to the huge, brown, plastic rock that ...

Blown To Pieces (PTO Murder Club Mystery Book 2) by Katie Graykowski

Texas Rose Forever (Texas Rose Ranch #1)

The sex break they’d taken an hour or so ago had been incredible. She still wasn’t wearing any underpants, so keeping his mind on the massive amount of busywork that went with running the cattle portion of the Texas Rose was impossible. Maybe it was time to hire an assistant. Who was this Phillip...

Texas Rose Forever (Texas Rose Ranch #1) by Katie Graykowski

Changing Lanes (The Lone Stars Book 3)

The end was near. As Laney sat holding one of Lara’s sweet little hands with Sweet Louise holding the other, Laney racked her brain for a treatment that she hadn’t tried. Maybe there was something new—a new drug, anything, but she knew there wasn’t. She’d tried everything and had failed. She felt...

Changing Lanes (The Lone Stars Book 3) by Katie Graykowski

Saving Grace

At first it was a little strange for Chord to kiss Grace or snuggle with her on the sofa in front of the kids, but they embraced it. CoCo especially. It took Grace a little while to figure out exactly what it was, but CoCo felt like she’d played matchmaker. The girl smiled every time her father s...

Saving Grace by Katie Graykowski

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