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Read Blue Skies, Season 2, Episode 8 (Rising Storm)

Blue Skies, Season 2, Episode 8 (Rising Storm)

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Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated

Blue Skies, Season 2, Episode 8 (Rising Storm) - Plot & Excerpts

Her hair was passable, her make-up concealing the worst of the dark circles beneath her eyes. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done for the gauntness in her cheeks or the deep lines now etched around her mouth and eyes.Grief was an insidious thing. Digging in and holding you down, even when you knew in your heart that you needed to push forward. Celeste had always been a fighter. It was something her children had admired. And then somewhere along the way she’d lost her path, Jacob’s death seemingly sealing her fate.But no more. There was still life ahead of her. Maybe it wouldn’t be the stellar ride into the sunset she and Travis had planned all those years ago. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t something left to be salvaged. To be lived.Her daughter Lacey was right. It was time to move on. Step by cautious step. She forced a smile, the face in the mirror shifting with the motion, looking almost pretty. Almost. Squaring her shoulders, Celeste walked from the bathroom into the bedroom.

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