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Read Born Of Shadows (2011)

Born of Shadows (2011)

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0446573256 (ISBN13: 9780446573252)
Grand Central Publishing

Born Of Shadows (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Caillen Dagan and Desideria. Caillen is brother to Syn's wife Shahara and has been a minor character in some of the previous books. Caillen is trying to save his most reckless sister Kasen. He gets himself arrested for her crimes and is sentenced to death. (Looks like a real short book.) However when they test his DNA, he turns out to be long lost heir to a throne - Radek de Orczy - which name you will never see again. Caillen goes to a summit with his father. The Qillaqs are an Amazon type warrior woman race who basically keep men as pets and breeders. Desideria is a princess there, but her father was not of their race so she is considered inferior. She works harder at everything to try to be accepted. She gets promoted to guard her mother the queen at the summit. But assassins are out to kill both these rulers if their children can't stop it. Caillen and Desideria end up on an Andorian planet with an assassin after them. The bad: Caillen as lost prince is a bit much in this series. How many lost princes are there in Kenyon's work? It gets a bit old. Oh, and Caillen had a tracer implanted when he was imprisoned. Which he did not think to scan for. Ever. Until almost the end of the book.Chayden Aniwaya is a friend of Caillen's who turns out to be Desideria's lost brother and a Tavali pirate. INCREDIBLE! It was awesome! And chaotic and exhilarating and nonstop twists. Basically, it was fun! Caillen as we met him before in other books haven't changed. He is just as adorable as in previous books. In Born of Fire we found out that Caillen is adopted but he has no idea. So yes, at the day of his execution (Yes his execution lol) his biological father who is a King arrived the minute Caillen's DNA was in the system and saved Caillen's life. When Caillen found out that he is adopted and that he is the son of a king which makes him a prince was a miracle to him lol. The way the story began was really great. They started grooming him to be a prince but it wasn't easy for Caillen. His two best buddies, Darling and Maris both wealthy man enjoyed watching him struggle but helped him how to be a proper on the day of the summit. But that wasn't only the fun part but when another kingdom called Qillaqs visited his kingdom and saw Desideria a princess who is half Qillaq and a warrior who also always wanted her mother's approval but never gets it and no one treats her as equal just because she is half Qillaq who one day proved them all wrong and got her mother's approval and became her mother's Guard heard during the summit, that someone is trying to assassin her mother and herself. She couldn't keep it to herself so she went and told her mother who didn't believe her and humiliate her and Caillen as well is having an assassin trying to kill his father and himself. So yes, both of their situation is connected. They were framed and wanted by the government. But we met her long lost brother, Chayden during their run. They were rescued by Chayden and his crew and the Sentella as well. And there was Fain, Hauk's brother. Everything was in chaos but in the end it was beautiful. Caillen's father lives, Desideria's mother lives and she disinherited her so she could live with Caillen. It ended beautifully with Desideria being pregnant. And the author threw us a hint in this book. Desideria caught Darling ogling Maris's new female secretary! Wow! Could he be bisexual?! I can't wait to find out!

What do You think about Born Of Shadows (2011)?

This book was great! I really enjoyed it even though I read it out of order of the rest.

Another wonderful book! Can't wait for July when the next book comes out!

First one in the series that I actually enjoyed all the way through.

Awesome book! Royalty,romance,suspense.

3 stars

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