Carved In Stone: Monochrome Destiny - Plot & Excerpts
From what she had seen, some of the people in the town had all of the symptoms, especially Stuart Yelland. It all then made a sick sort of sense. The genetic illness was unlike other forms of anaemia. The illness didn’t occur due to lack of iron, but rather an inability to absorb it. Onset was at puberty and the patient would be lethargic, pale and gaunt, just as Stuart Yelland had looked when he had collapsed onto her laboratory floor. The usual treatment was a bone marrow transplant, but that didn’t stop the build-up of toxic iron in the blood. Patients usually succumbed to liver, kidney or heart damage, leading to early death, normally before sixty. Robyn had seen some of the members of staff at school popping pills during break time and the medication fit her theory. In this insular little town, the disease had been thriving as local married local in a tight gene pool. A large proportion of the town’s people were affected, especially judging by the numbers they had seen at the abattoir and they were treating themselves. What she and Andrew had seen in those bottles was probably pig blood and bone marrow, extracted from the herds that surrounded Porthmollek. Robyn knew that pigs were a close genetic match to humans. Pig products had been used medicinally for years. Insulin, heparin and thyroxine were but a few of the hormonal replacements that had been produced.
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