“What’s with the leather again?” Alex lay on his side, propped up on one elbow, his cheek cradled in his palm. “I brought you clothes. You can wear those around the house.” I pursed my lips, thinking of the contents of the bag he’d brought. Not the most flattering fit. A dazzling smile blossomed on his lips, and I had to smile back. “Or you could wear nothing.” He waggled his eyebrows. I looked away. If I spent a couple more seconds looking at the curve of his hip, his white teeth nibbling at his lower lip, or the way he was invitingly caressing the sheet in front of him, I’d forget what I had to do and jump back under the covers with him. “I have to go.” My traitorous gaze returned to him. He turned on his back and pulled the sheet up all the way to his chest in a gesture so prudish it’d be funny if I didn’t want to rip the covers off him. “To the council?” I shook my head. “No. Someone else first. I want to see if he can arrange a meeting.” I’d showered again but hadn’t paid enough attention to towel drying, and it was a bitch pulling my boots back on, which worked out fine since fighting to pull them up meant I didn’t have to look at him.