He felt vaguely guilty about using the car without seeking permission from Isaac’s mother, but he reasoned that Cathy Palmer had enough on her plate trying to get a handle on her son’s aff airs and—not to be cruel—Isaac had no use for the vehicle anymore. He killed the engine and slipped the key into his pocket. As he locked the door, he noticed that he was parked askew—the back end of the Tercel was over the line, encroaching into the next spot. He considered trying to straighten it out, but he was enough of a realist to know he was unlikely to improve the situation. It had been well over a decade since he’d had occasion to get behind the wheel of a car. He was a cautious and reluctant driver but a terrible parker. Th at had been true even when he used to drive regularly; he thought it unlikely his parking skills would have improved with disuse. CHILLING EFFECT He put the car out of mind and focused on what he was about to say and do. Walk into the school building and tell Kelly in the offi ce that he needed to fetch Lily Smith.