Choosing Riley: Sarafin Warriors Book 1 - Plot & Excerpts
Vox had been insatiable last night. For a girl who had held onto her virginity like it was the Olympic Torch, she really knew how to drop the damn thing at the worst possible time. There hadn’t been one damn word in any of the magazine articles that she had read that said a guy could keep it up as much as Vox did. Once was the average, twice if they were lucky, three if they were fucking Hercules, but Vox had taken her at least that many times in an hour! Not only that, he had done it every hour on the hour until she had finally passed out in exhaustion. Now, she was so sore it hurt to think much less move. She blushed as she ran the soap over her tender breasts and down between her legs. She was going to either have to neuter his ass or drug it because she really didn’t think she could survive another night like last night, not that she planned on there being another one. He had thankfully been called to a meeting with the new guys she had met when they were brought aboard. Creon Something or other and Ha’ven the Dark.
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