Johann was angry, and Conny had no idea how to make him happy again. Johann was a different kind of angry than Conny was accustomed to in a man, all stoic and frowning, without any rantings or accusations, only terse exchanges and tight-lipped assurances he was well, thank you. Nothing was wrong, he insisted. Never mind it was clear as the blue sky beyond the airship something was wrong, and it was equally clear Johann had no intention of telling Cornelius about his troubles. He’d worried he’d been too vulgar in the café—truly, he’d been utterly tame, but he feared even this had repulsed Johann. This may or may not have been a compounding factor, but one thing was clear: Johann was upset about his heart. It didn’t matter how many times Conny assured him no one else knew or would ever know, or how excellent he promised it would function. The disdain had spread to all his clockwork parts—anytime he needed a tune-up, he glowered sullenly until Conny turned him loose again.
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