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Read Colazione A Parigi (2012)

Colazione a Parigi (2012)

Online Book

3.5 of 5 Votes: 2
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8820052792 (ISBN13: 9788820052799)
Sperling & Kupfer

Colazione A Parigi (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I enjoyed reading this book at first. Klise wrote this book in four POVs and that what makes the book attractive. I like the conflict and the undercover communication between two characters, how the story goes and the feeling I get so I didn't easily put this book off to take break. But for me, the ending is unclear, I don't get what happen with the characters and what they end up. It's still a question to me. Awal-awal baca berasa seru, penasaran jadinya gimana. Tapi begitu sampai ke tengah, udah datar aja rasanya. Suspense nya udah ilang. Sudut pandang yang berganti-ganti tiap tokoh cukup membantu dalam menyelami perasaan masing-masing mereka. Per bab sama dengan per sudut pandang seorang tokoh. Hanya saja, pergantian yang cepat, karena per bab itu hanya beberapa halaman, membuat saya bingung dan lupa yang lagi ngomong itu siapa haha.. Jadi saya harus balik ke awal bab untuk tau ini bab dari sudut pandang siapa. Yah oke lah untuk mengisi waktu.

What do You think about Colazione A Parigi (2012)?

Fun, quick book but it fizzled for me about 3/4 the way through.

Very easy to read finished it in a day great story.

As much fun to read as her children book series.

Couldn't get into it at all.

Quick, fun read.

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