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Kate Klise books

Kate Klise
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Read Books by Kate Klise


Dying to Meet You (2009)

What an awesome book! The story is primarily told through letters between Ignatius Grumply, Seymour, Olive, Ignatius’ lawyer, real estate agent, book agent and a private investigator. The letters, down to the sign offs and signatures, do an incredible job conveying the personalities of each chara...

Dying to Meet You (2009) by Kate Klise

Gespenster gibt es doch! (2011)

InhaltUm endlich sein nächstes Kinderbuch zu beenden mietet der Autor Ignaz B. Griesgram ein einsam gelegenes Haus an. Eigentlich wollte er so weit wie möglich entfernt von Kindern sein, denn obgleich er Kinderbücher schreibt ist er alles andere als ein Kinderfreund. Allerdings lebt in dem angemi...

Gespenster gibt es doch! (2011) by Kate Klise

Mortalmente encantado (2011)

This is a cute little ghost story written in epistolary format about an old, washed-up author trying to get inspiration for his latest book in an old haunted Victorian mansion. I particularly enjoyed the little illustrations and the puns in the characters' names. I'd recommend it for second-four...

Mortalmente encantado (2011) by Kate Klise

43 Old Cemetery Road: Dying to Meet You (2010)

Cute, cute, cute! These are the kinds of children's books I love - ones that lure little minds in with pretty pictures and then capture them inside a charming (if a bit morbid - not unlike this sentence) story. I can tell that this is from the Lemony Snicket family, but the Klise sisters definit...

43 Old Cemetery Road: Dying to Meet You (2010) by Kate Klise

Over My Dead Body (2009)

Eleven-year old Seymour Hope has been abandoned by his parents and lives with the man who is renting the house--Ignatius B. Grumply--and the ghost of the woman who lived in the house originally--Olive C. Spence. They are writing and publishing a ghost story that everyone loves. However, Dick Ta...

Over My Dead Body (2009) by Kate Klise

Nur über meine Leiche! (2011)

A new character comes to 43 Old Cemetery Road, Dick Tater. He is the Director of IMSPOOKY (International Movement for the Safety & Protection of Our Kids & Youth) and he wants to cancel Halloween, burn any books that include ghost stories, and "protect" Seymour from the crazy old man (Iggy) who t...

Nur über meine Leiche! (2011) by Kate Klise

Colazione a Parigi (2012)

I enjoyed reading this book at first. Klise wrote this book in four POVs and that what makes the book attractive. I like the conflict and the undercover communication between two characters, how the story goes and the feeling I get so I didn't easily put this book off to take break. But for me, t...

Colazione a Parigi (2012) by Kate Klise

Tout finit par un baiser ! (2014)

I really enjoyed this book. There are four characters in the story and each chapter alternates between their viewpoint of the events that unfold. Despite the changing points of view, it was very easy to keep track of what was happening in the story.The end did feel really rushed; I wish the autho...

Tout finit par un baiser ! (2014) by Kate Klise

Verliebt in Paris (2013)

Love it! Pakai POV org 1 jamak. Perpindahan yg lincah. Dan hal yg gue suka dr POV1 adalah kita jd bisa tahu apa yg ada di pikiran tokoh lainnya, dan sering kalinya itu sama sekali berbeda dgn yg dikira tokoh satunya! Ada banyak hal yg kocak, spt saat Andrew--si ayah, mengira Webb--anaknya, sembel...

Verliebt in Paris (2013) by Kate Klise

In the Bag (2012)

Du coté de l’histoire:C'est avec une erreur de valises que commence l’histoire entre la famille Sprinkle et la famille Nelson. Lors de son arrivée à Madrid, Webb en vacances avec son père, se rend compte que la valise qu'il a entre les mains n'est malheureusement pas la sienne. Pendant ce temps...

In the Bag (2012) by Kate Klise

The Phantom of the Post Office (2012)

In Kürze/In (Very) Short:+ das 4. Buch in der Reihe+ sehr schöne Geschichte, wunderbar illustriert+ endlich eine gleichaltrige Freundin für Severin+ hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen+ the 4th book in the series+ beautiful story, wonderful illustrations (as usual)+ finally a friend for Seymour+ I e...

The Phantom of the Post Office (2012) by Kate Klise

Das Phantom im Postamt (2012)

The unique family at 43 Old Cemetery Road is back again, & this time, at least some of them are on a mission to show a new generation just how much fun a friendship based on letter writing can be. Although I suspect that at least one of the Klise sisters has a tween begging for a cell phone somew...

Das Phantom im Postamt (2012) by Kate Klise

Stand Straight, Ella Kate (2010)

Stand Straight, Ella Kate is a picture book biography of Ella Kate Ewing, the tallest lady on Earth. When Ella starts growing at an alarming rate at age seven, she's embarrassed, teased and becomes shy. But as she grows up, she realizes that her height can also lead to great adventures. She trave...

Stand Straight, Ella Kate (2010) by Kate Klise

The Show Must Go On! (2013)

Everyone is excited to see that Sir Sidney’s circus is coming to town, but this owner is getting older and needs to find someone to help run his little circus, with a lion, an elephant, two acrobats, two mice who add jokes all along the way, and one crow. After quite a few interviews, Sir Sidney...

The Show Must Go On! (2013) by Kate Klise

Hollywood, Dead Ahead (2013)

Vorab: es handelt sich um Band 5 der Serie um die Friedhofstraße 43. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Schrifsteller Ignaz B. Griesgram, die Geisterdame Oliva C. Spence und ihr Adoptivsohn und Illustrator Severin Hoffnung. Die ganze Geschichte mit dem Schriftstellertum versteht man wahrscheinlich besser, ...

Hollywood, Dead Ahead (2013) by Kate Klise

Gespensterspuk in Hollywood (2013)

I love this series! In this book, the trio heads to Hollywood where their book, 43 Old Cemetery Road, is being made into a movie. Shooting a movie doesn't turn out to be nearly as fun as it sounds though. After all the legal paperwork the movie doesn't read anything like the books and all the sty...

Gespensterspuk in Hollywood (2013) by Kate Klise


Aubrey Bryant died three days later.     “I can scarcely believe it,” Aunt Josie whispered. She’d called me at the beauty parlor. It was obvious she’d been crying.     “He hadn’t even gone to his ball game yet this summer, had he?” I asked quietly into the ...

Grounded by Kate Klise

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