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Read Cold Burn Of Magic (2015)

Cold Burn of Magic (2015)

Online Book

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Cold Burn Of Magic (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

I stuck to my routine of getting up, stuffing myself with breakfast, and going wherever the day took me. Mostly, I hung out with Felix in the greenlab, helping him and Angelo prune the stitch-sting bushes so they could make more healing liquid. I also went down to the Razzle Dazzle every chance I got, but Mo hadn’t found out anything about either one of the attacks, although he said that one of his contacts might have something for him soon.
I also did everything I could think of to find the mystery man. I kept chatting up folks about Devon, trying to figure out who might know about his compulsion magic and want it for himself. I also wandered through the Midway, eavesdropping on the guards from the other Families and picking up what gossip I could.
I even broke back into the brownstone of the accountant where I’d swiped the ruby necklace, since his guards had attacked Devon the first time in the pawnshop. But there were no incriminating papers or other clues in the accountant’s office that told me anything I didn’t already know.

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