We’ve spent the last several hours poring through every scrap of paper in the office. Nothing new screams up from the pages. Mom and Dad worked for the CIA, scientists for Project Stargate and later, the Solomon experiments, both designed to prove the existence of paranormal abilities and develop their use for the military. Several pictures and newspaper articles chronicle their work, their meetings with White House officials, interviews with hungry journalists. They look so young, wide-eyed and optimistic. The papers called them radical. Crazy, even. The notes from the actual research tell a different story, validating much of their rhetoric. The experiments had proven the existence of psychic phenomenon; like I really needed any more proof. My little game with the soap was more than enough to turn me into a believer. What the articles and papers did not disclose is why the experiments ended. One day they existed, and the next—nothing, as though they’d never happened at all. No follow-up reports, no innuendos about a government cover-up.