Complete My Bridgertons Epilogue Collection (2013) - Plot & Excerpts
Los epílogos de los libros que hacían falta, curiosamente del primer y último libro, son estupendos.Primero el epílogo de Daphne nos hace retroceder al primer libro y recordar esa relación con Simon, además de involucrar a Colin y su familia en todo esto. La pobre Daphne tiene que enfrentar de nuevo la maternidad después de los cuarenta, pero lo mejor de todo es la reacción de Simon con su comentario cuando le dice a Daphne que parece un pato raro, y sale corriendo antes que su vida peligre. Definitivamente los Bridgerton son felices y afortunados de tener parejas que los hacen más felices. El segundo epílogo de Gregory es un contraste de felicidad y tristeza. Pero sobre todo, rompecorazones. Lucy ha dado a luz a unas gemelitas pero ella ha quedado muy mal de salud. Lo que me impacta son todos los sentimientos que hace revivir JuliaQ con esta historia corta. Ver a un Gregory desesperado por su La la la Lucy, sus hijitos que son todos unos Bridgerton al cuadrado, comportándose para que su mamá se recupere. Y sobre todo, me encantó la presencia de Hyacinth y el apoyo que fue en ese momento angustiante para Gregory, Hyacinth siempre tan leal y sobretodo con su hermano más cercano.Sobre la historia de Violet es perfecta. Yo tampoco me imagino a Violet con otro hombre que no sea Edmund. Esta mujer es como ninguna otra, fuerte, sabia y capaz, que a lo largo de los libros se vio su madurez. Encontrar cómo fue ese enamoramiento de estos progenitores de los 8 Bridgerton, fue romántico. Ver desde el punto de vista de Violet la muerte de Edmund fue desgarrador. La familia Bridgerton es inolvidable y única. Grandiosa historia. Siempre divertida, inteligente y romántica. Julia Quinn's "The Bridgertons:Happily Ever After" The Bridgerton series, like Tessa Dare's Spindle Cove series, is supposedly set in Regency England, but is actually set in a Regency-like alternate universe. Apparently the women do nothing but make babies, think about making babies, and raise children, with a few country house parties thrown in for some variety. The men don't appear to do much else either. The reader would never guess that these people, members of a wealthy, influential family, live in a turbulent, vibrant era of English history. This particular volume consists of vignettes about the eight couples that make up the Bridgerton series, as well as a novella about Violet Bridgerton, the mother of the eight siblings. The stories are cute additions to the series, but with the possible exception of Gregory and Lucy's story, they lack any sort of character development or dramatic tension. Gregory and Lucy's story is about Lucy giving birth to twins and almost dying in the process - it's a very emotional and fraught situation, although as I was reading it I couldn't help wondering who was looking after the 2 newborns, and more important, who was feeding them, during the days that Lucy was unconscious and unable to do anything for them! Not one mention of any of this - the babies are just brought in to their mother, as if they are toys that can be set aside and ignored for days, when she is finally well enough to see them. A little weird ...
What do You think about Complete My Bridgertons Epilogue Collection (2013)?
Julia Quinn's "The Bridgertons:Happily Ever After" The Bridgerton series, like Tessa Dare's Spindle Cove series, is supposedly set in Regency England, but is actually set in a Regency-like alternate universe. Apparently the women do nothing but make babies, think about making babies, and raise children, with a few country house parties thrown in for some variety. The men don't appear to do much else either. The reader would never guess that these people, members of a wealthy, influential family, live in a turbulent, vibrant era of English history. This particular volume consists of vignettes about the eight couples that make up the Bridgerton series, as well as a novella about Violet Bridgerton, the mother of the eight siblings. The stories are cute additions to the series, but with the possible exception of Gregory and Lucy's story, they lack any sort of character development or dramatic tension. Gregory and Lucy's story is about Lucy giving birth to twins and almost dying in the process - it's a very emotional and fraught situation, although as I was reading it I couldn't help wondering who was looking after the 2 newborns, and more important, who was feeding them, during the days that Lucy was unconscious and unable to do anything for them! Not one mention of any of this - the babies are just brought in to their mother, as if they are toys that can be set aside and ignored for days, when she is finally well enough to see them. A little weird ...
A nice read for those who have the Bridgertons series hang-over (To say that I'm somewhat guilty, haha). JQ explores the succeeding years for the Bridgerton siblings and their family lives. It gives you the feeling of maturity since they're of "advance age" in this final installment which is satisfying since it delivers the total happily ever after way beyond their personal stories and it's nice because they're aren't any dramas- just happy events which is cliche but well appreciated.Happy endings are happy endings for JQ!
I only read the material new to this edition.Violet in Bloom, was sad.