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Read It's In His Kiss (2005)

It's in His Kiss (2005)

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006053124X (ISBN13: 9780060531249)

It's In His Kiss (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

Bu yorumu Kitap Esintisi sayfasında bulabilirsiniz. Öpüşünde Saklı benim aslında dört gözle beklediğim kitaplardan biriydi. Çünkü Bridgerton kardeşlerden Hyacinth favorim olmaya aday bir kardeş. Sivri dili, kimseden sakınmaması ve mizah anlayışı onu benim gözümde süper bir karakter yapıyor. Ayrıca Lady Danbury ile takılması da onun bu özelliklerinin gelişmesinde büyük bir etken. Yalnız serinin tamamını düşünürsek kitaplar ilerledikçe kurgunun biraz düştüğünü söylersek yalan olmaz.Kitabın erkek karakteri, babası tarafından yıllarca hor görülmüş, önemsenmemiş ve aşağılanmış bir karakter: Gareth St. Clair. Gareth evin küçük oğlu, bir de abisi var. Babasıyla ilişkileri, babasının onu para için bir kızla evlendirmeye çalışmasıyla tamamen kopmuş, birbirlerine ne zaman bir yerde rastlasalar öfke ile birbirlerini süzüyorlar. Ayrıca Gareth, babasının kendi öz babası olmadığını da babası sandığı adamdan öğreniyor. Babası bunu bir tehdit ögesi olarak kullanmaktan da çekinmiyor. Gareth evin haylaz oğlu rolüne bürünüyor, kadınlarla yatıp kalkıyor. Ama abisi ölüp veliahtlığı ona bıraktığında sosyetedeki genç kızlar ve anneleri arasında bir anda ünleniyor.Gareth Lady Danbury’nin torunu olduğu için Hyacinth ile karşılaşmamaları mümkün değil. İlk karşılaşmaları her sene düzenli olarak gidip kulak zevklerini mahvettikleri o meşhur çalgıcı kız kardeşlerin gösterisinde oluyor. Lady D.nin zorla çağırdığı Gareth’ten Hyacinth anında etkileniyor. Gareth’ın zekasına ve cazibesine kapıldığını inkar etmek istese de bir süre sonra bundan vazgeçiyor. Gareth’ın da Hyacinth’e karşı boş olmadığı bir gerçek. Onun sivri dilinden ve zevkinden hoşlanıyor, her ne kadar kızın sosyetedeki ünü iyi olmasa da Gareth bu yüzden onu ilginç buluyor.İlişkileri karşılıklı atışma havasında gitse de Gareth’ın bir gün babasıyla karşılaşıp tartışması üzerine Gareth, Hyacinth ile evlenmek istediğini fark ediyor. Soluğu hemen Anthony’nin yanında alan Gareth dileğini bildirdiğinde Anthony’den bir oh çıktığını işitiyor. Burası benim bir hayli komik bulduğum bir yer, ailede Hyacinth’i evlendirmeyi düşünmeyen kimse yok ve bu davranış da gayet iyi bir özet oluyor :D Kitapta Hyacinth ve Gareth’ın, Gareth’ın diğer büyükannesinin günlüğünü çözmeleri de anlatılıyor. İtalyancası tek düze olan Hyacinth günlüğü okudukça büyük annenin bir yerlere gizlediği saklı bir hazinesi olduğunu anlıyor. Birkaç kere eve gizlice girip arıyorlar ve hiçbir şey bulamıyorlar. Bu gizem kitap boyunca tam olarak çözülmüyor. Sonucu sadece epilogda anlıyorsunuz ki o da hem komik hem de acıklı :D Ama asıl bu kitabın devamı niteliğindeki “The Epilogue II” kısmını okumak gerekiyor. Kitapta aralarına soğuk rüzgarların girdiği bir kısım var ki Gareth’ın her şeyi düzeltmesi için kendini Hyacinth’e vermesi gerekiyor. İkisinin de birbirlerini kaybetmek istememelerini anlamaları geç de olsa gerçekleşecek ve işin en komik kısmı olarak – bir nevi karma da diyebiliriz – Hyacinth’in kendi gibi bir kızı olacak. Bu minik kızın annesini deli etmesini okumak için hemen kitabı almanızı öneriyorum :D

I say, Julia Quinn must have made a deal with the devil, because, AGAIN: such a great book this is, and cute too, actually, it’s probably the cutest one in the series. I’m still to read the last one, so I can’t be 100% sure of that statement, but yeah, I’m almost certain Hyacinth and Gareth will win the Cutest Book in the Series Award.So, this is Hyacinth's book, the youngest Bridgerton of her generation, and I’m quite sure she’s also the youngest heroine yet in the series, being only 22; she is kind of a younger version of her sister Eloise from To Sir Phillip With Love, for they have much in common besides the last name and the hair color: they can’t neither be still, nor quiet for too long. Hy is also very intelligent, witty, and sharp-tongued – in sum, she is in possession of pretty much all of the marriage-unfriendly qualities, so, naturally, she is still unmarried. But you know, her mother is called Violet Bridgerton, and one of her closest friends is Lady Danbury, who happens to have an unmarried, good-looking, beloved grandson – meaning: Hyacinth has her days as a single woman counted.Julia Quinn is quintessential, and It’s In His Kiss is no exception to that rule, but there is a difference between this seventh book and the previous ones *methinks*, the angst levels of both hero and heroine aren’t as high as they are in all of the other ones, and I’m even exaggerating, for Hyacinth isn’t ansgty at all, she’s just a happy, intense, adorable young lady - with a heart of gold. I love how she visits Lady Danbury every week because she wants and likes to, and they aren’t even related. I’ve always had a soft spot for this character, and it was really the cherry on top of the cake to see our heroine being nice to her. Gareth does have something in his life that brings him down at times, but he is a cheerful guy by nature, and as so, does not waste that much time sulking in dark corners because of it.The mystery regarding the jewels was fun to read about (I <3 Victorian spies) and the end was just too cute for words.And now there’s only Gregory’s book left! NOOOOOOOO!! My the It’s In His Kiss cast:Imogen Poots as HyacinthhhhI’m not completely happy with my choice, but alas, I had to pick someone.and Alex Pettyfer as GarethhhhI know! Choosing Pettyfer for the role of an extremely handsome blond guy is the biggest cliché, but his was the face I usually saw during my reading as Gareth's, especially when Hyacinth mentioned his smile. Let’s face it, Pettyfer has a dashing smile…

What do You think about It's In His Kiss (2005)?

With the last couple of historical romances I tried to read not doing it for me, I'd just about decided to limit my historical authors to Meredith Duran & Courtney Milan with an occasional Eloisa James thrown in, however this was a delightful story with a charming, unusual heroine. She was too smart for her own good, fearless, and enchanting. I love how the hero was smart enough to keep up with her and how he humored her when she went off on tangents, but mostly I loved how he connived to compromise her so she wouldn't be able to break their engagement if certain things about him came to light before he could get her to the altar. I'm not sure how much my appreciation of this book lies in the snippets that start each chapter and scene break but I know I looked forward to them. So much of the author's humor showed up in these, and her tongue-in-cheek commentary tickled me. Bits like: Thirty seconds later. It doesn't take very long to cross a ballroom, after all.And my favorite which comes right after the heroine's brother has been teasing her that her future children will all have lisps: One hour later, Gareth is about to learn what it means to belong to a large family.For better or worthe.OPTIONAL SOAPBOX RANT:My one complaint, which annoys me more and more with ever deflowering scene I read in historicals and seems to be shared by every romance author out there, is the lack of understanding of a woman's anatomy. Let's just say that if the man doesn't encounter the hymen until he's nearing the end of his thrust, then he's got a teeny weeny. Dear Author, take note: The hymen is visible to the naked eye. It's not deeply buried. A finger or a tampon are fully capable of removing this barrier. With the internet's research capabilities, why is this repeatedly gotten wrong by so many authors? Since this is such a widespread error, I don't hold it against Ms. Quinn personally, but with all the extensive research historical authors do, I'm just completely stymied by why they continue to perpetuate this inaccuracy.
—Suzie Quint

Hmm, didn’t really like this Bridgerton story. I was looking forward to a real firecracker of a heroine with Hyacinth Bridgerton, but I thought her character was watered down compared to how she was described in the previous novels as this very independent minded I go my own way kind of heroine. She reminded me of Colin in that the character was somewhat of a letdown once their story was told.Hyacinth ends up meeting Gareth St Clair at the annual Smythe-Smith musicale, a Bridgerton staple event (where the reader knows they’re going to get a good laugh or two) and things start off well. She offers to help him translate an old Italian diary that’s been in his family for years because he doesn’t want to give it to anyone in case his father gets his hands on it. The story starts off well enough but then it just fizzles into what you know is going to be one of those annoying “adventures” where there’s less focus on the romance. Even the steam is on the dullish side.I’m not a fan of silly caper romances and this one went too far with that particular theme turning it into something dumb when Quinn usually does something smart with her novels. The relationship between Hyacinth and Gareth was mediocre at best and they often felt like friends instead of lovers. Some of the other members of the Bridgerton clan show up from previous books giving the series the familiarity that readers look for and there were also more parts with Gregory that were hilarious –that kind of brother and sister non-stop jabbing. Lady Danbury also has a more prominent role in the story and she’s a riot with her sharp tongue. As usual Quinn’s writing style is top notch but I thought the story itself didn’t come together as well as her other ones. It was missing some pizzazz to set it apart from the typical romance novel.If you liked the first two stories in the Bridgerton series you’ll likely enjoy this one because they’re along the same tone. I preferred the more original/different ones in between. It has it's good parts giving it a weak 4 star rating but it's not as good as Julia Quinn normally can do.

Anamm o Fransız nasıl beğenmedi bunu ya? Beğenilmeyecek gibi değilki:DGregory'den ben de pek birşey beklemiyorum zaten. Ama Hya'dan bekliyordum karşılığını alınca çok mutlu oldum<37,5 bir ara okurum artık. Azmış zaten:)
—E. Chainey (Bookowski)

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